How to make an old bike new again

A new coat of paint and a little oil can go a long way…
We began working with Lou Lamoureux (the transplant athlete) several months ago. He has been running his e-commerce website ( and selling training and fitness videos and books for several years. He started small and did all of the work himself up to the point that he contacted SoFla Web Studio.
Lou was aware of proper internet marketing techiniques and was implementing many of these successfully. His active blog was driving a good amount of traffic to his site, but the conversions were not as great as they should have been.
It did not look like a store front that had anything to sell. We recommended a re-design as well as an upgrade to a newer version of his shopping cart software which would allow upgraded functionality.
Our re-design was launched in late August 2008.
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Categorized in: Web Design
Published On: Sep 10, 2008