You Are Banned! In Google’s Preview Window?

A good portion of any quality SEO program will involve keyword research. Keyword (or more appropriately, key phrase) research is an ongoing effort and not just a one-time setup task. Every month we look for new keyphrase opportunities for our clients. We also perform this task for our own web properties and this is usually reserved for the weekends (or in this particular case, Sunday afternoon).
As we were researching opportunities today, we came across a nicely positioned phrase with a fair amount of traffic and surprisingly moderate competitiveness. We also noted that we currently did not rank for this phrase. This wasn’t of grave concern at the moment because we had not targeted this particular phrase and we had not yet made any efforts to rank for it.
However, when doing a Google search and looking at the results, something quickly caught my eye.
The Google preview window was showing a message for the #1 result for the term “Miami SEO”. The Google preview is a little snapshot of the homepage which you can view while still staying on your search results and not leaving Google or clicking on anything. The website still was in the number one spot in the results and clicking through brought me to an active webpage. However, with all of the “black hat” techniques that many SEO companies use to manipulate the search engine ranking results and the ideas that Google will punish those that do, it makes me wonder if this is a punishment or just some sort of error on Google or the website’s part?
Either way, having your SEO company associated in any way with the word “banned” is something they will want to correct ASAP. I am sure they have worked hard to get to that #1 spot in the Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERP), hopefully they haven’t done anything to get them banned in the Google preview.
Categorized in: SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Published On: Mar 11, 2012